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UNDERGROUND BAND MAESTRO explains how hard it is in the HMI!

UNDERGROUND BAND MAESTRO explains how hard it is in the HMI!

Postby kompamagazine » Sat Jun 18, 2016 1:01 pm


Keyboardist/composer RYAN THEZAN has been struggling for years to make it in the HMI with his underground band KLM. Today we speak to him about how hard it is for an underground band to make it in the HMI; as he gives you an insight into that life. READ BELOW.


*KOMPA MAGAZINE: 1) Maestro THEZAN.....I know it's been a long time you have been struggling to put a band together in the HMI. What exactly is the problem?
THEZAN: "Well I gotta say its really hard to find musicians that are willing to struggle with you before you make it. I have played a couple of time,s some I got paid, some not, but either I still have to pay the musicians and at the end of the day it's coming out from my pocket."

*KOMPA MAGAZINE: 2) As a young upcoming band, are the BANDS at fault for not willing to try and play MORE PROMOTIONAL GIGS for promoters in order to get their names out more on the market until they are popular; or do you think it's the promoters' fault?
THEZAN: "Honestly I can say it is both because you have to understand not all bands have members; they do have giggers who you have to pay either way. Where I do blame the promoters is when they call you for a gig and they want you to play for free; but they are charging $10-15. I do feel when you charge, the band must get payed. Just my opinion."

*KOMPA MAGAZINE: 3) Is it a better strategy as the maestro of an upcoming/underground band to perhaps PLAY with a bigger more popular band in order to MAKE A NAME FOR YOURSELF; so that when you are ready to branch out...MORE PEOPLE will know who you are? Sa se JAZZ "INTEL" la wi.
THEZAN: "Yes most definitely but knowing that I have always liked to work my way out and work hard for people to know me, I will not say who; but I did have bands that contacted me to either be the maestro of their band, or come join their team as a second keyboardist; which I appreciated the offer; but declined it."

*KOMPA MAGAZINE: 4) For those who might not know, give us an estimate $$$$$ in terms of how much money is needed for a maestro like you to put a group together just to start the process...BEFORE you even hit the studio, or start rehearsal.
THEZAN: "Well since I'm a drum machine band; probably the only one lol, I will say not much because I already have all my instruments so basically all I will need for someone to come in and help me to take care of the bass and guitarist player; so to answer your question I can't give you an amount as it will depend on how much to take care of those guys."

*KOMPA MAGAZINE: 5) Is it easy or hard for an underground/unproven band like yourself to get a manager or money man aboard to help you get a group off the ground? General question.
THEZAN: "Yes it is hard specially to get someone to come in and invest because it is really difficult in the HMI for someone to take risk on an upcoming band."

*KOMPA MAGAZINE: 6) So why are there many underground bands popping up despite all that?
THEZAN: "Well you have to understand a lot of new bands already have members who were in previous bands and already have connections etc. Don't get me wrong I'm glad to see them popping up, and I am happy for them."

*KOMPA MAGAZINE: 7) Is MIAMI the best city for an UNDERGROUND band or not?
THEZAN: "You can start a band anywhere. I do not believe when people say it's hard to start a band from this place etc. I believe if you have a good product, other cities will call you to have you come and play; so Miami, NY, Candada, Boston, etc they are all good places to start a band."

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