
The HMI is fascinating to watch, and at times more so than others, simply because of the many games of chess that the groups play WITH each other and AGAINST one another. It resembles the storylines of a soap opera at times, with many plot twists at any given time. Such is the case right now, as it has for many months...a few years now between 3 groups KLASS...NU LOOK...DISIP.
Let me do a little breakdown for you to put you up on it for those that have not been observing.
*KLASS vs DISIP: GAZZMAN and RICHIE were supposed to have joined forces in a group. Due to the two NOT agreeing on all points (Some claim that Richie wanted a NEW band, whereas Gazzman did not want to change the Disip name); whatever the REAL story was; the two NEVER got together......which led to PIPO coming from Nu Look to join Klass. DISIP and NU LOOK fans UNITE to thrash KLASS saying that they should have made the GAZZMAN move....until they are put on pause mode with the success of KLASS' debut CD. DISIP fans rallying behind their LEADER Gazzman as he takes jabs at "both" KLASS and NU LOOK (Arly in particular).
The animosity between KLASS and DISIP ends finally after KLASS agrees to play a bal/concert with DISIP....a bal where a "RATED PG" Gazzman barely says squat about Klass in terms of jabs...many say apparently for fear NOT to upset Klass in order to "secure" future gigs with the hot band. No one knows if that was the case or not.
*NU LOOK vs DISIP: GAZZMAN is seen by quite a few of the hardcore ARLY LARIVIERE loyalists as a "traitor" who betrayed the royal kingdom and band known as Nu Look. He is still admired by quite a few fans from Nu Look because of what he did in all of his years in the band, but LOST MAJOR POINTS IN THEIR EYES because of the jabs he was taking at their maestro when Disip was blazing hot when they first came out...and Nu Look was on "Roulib mode", many calling Couleur UNGRATEFUL. You do have Nu Look fans who like Gazzman "anba anba" on the down low; but WON'T DARE admit to it publicly, for fear of not upsetting the KING....but if Arly were to give them a hint that Gazzman is COOL, watch them go with the flow...only because the OK was given by Arly. Right now after a comment made by Arly on stage in Montreal last week, hinting that a DISIP/NU LOOK bal "might" be on the horizon, the HATORADE towards Gazzman from the Nu Look fans has COOLED OFF a little bit.....at least for now.
*KLASS vs NU LOOK: The most heated rivalry in the HMI right now. When KLASS dropped their recent album, the LOOK fans were quick to call it a BOUYON RECHOFE piece of work; much in the same way that the KLASS fans are returning the favor towards Nu Look's new CD by calling theirs a BOUYON RECHOFE as well.. THEY WON'T PLAY WITH EACH OTHER...each believing that they would be doing the other a favor if they did. Both bands basically understand that it is no longer a business of 1 BAND Parties, as they understand the importance of BAND RELATIONSHIPS/POLITICS; so they are doing business with some OTHER BANDS.....EXCEPT THEMSELVES. LOTS OF MONEY TO BE MADE for whoever is able to land this showdown...or maybe BOTH will put themselves together as the PROMOTERS of the party to MAKE THAT MONEY THEMSELVES ...A Suivre!
*GAZZMAN DISIP "Status" in the eyes of KLASS/NU LOOK: With their new CD getting lots of good reviews, both Klass and Nu Look sense that DISIP have brought themselves up a bit, from where they were before that CD. DISIP is NOT out of the woods yet because of a great CD; but now, they are no longer the person that was seen as THE GUY NOT TO INVITE AT THE "COOL" PARTY. They are no longer the person ignored by the person in front of the clubs in South Beach...telling which people are cool to come inside the club, and which ones are NOT good enough...so they stay outside NOT going in the club. DISIP have "forced" their way into the party with their latest album; but they HAVE NOT YET REACHED "V.I.P" SECTION status. Both KLASS and NU LOOK ap veye DISIP with 1 eye close/1 eye open....to see where the CD gets them.
*KLASS "RELATIONSHIPS": KLASS says publicly that they have NO PROBLEM playing with any band; but there are some promoters/musicians who say that it's just a front. KLASS/DJAKOUT is on shaky grounds because of issues that they both always seem to have with one another.
In regards to ZENGLEN, it is NOT seen as PRIORITY or a good idea in the eyes of maestro Richie; also with their CD on LIMBO STATUS because of the break that they had to take due to vocalist WID's traveling issues; it just does not appeal to KLASS to do that party. We might tend to believe as well that Richie is still not ready to forgive what he perceives as a lack of respect from BRUTUS towards him...even after he had left the group....for all that he had done for the group before he left.
NU LOOK is OUT OF THE QUESTION...not sure if the right amount of $$$$ might make both bands change their minds.
Also because of the success that the group is having, and because many say that they are the group that gets the most people out at parties; "some" bands while praising them to their faces...do feel a bit of resentment towards them privately for different issues. The price that one must pay because of their position in the business....everyone wants to be there.
*NU LOOK "RELATIONSHIPS": DJAKOUT and NU LOOK are "business friends" right now; Djakout making sure directly and indirectly by some of their musicians that they have a SOLID relationship with Nu Look compared to Klass. 2 days after the KLASS/DJAKOUT in Boca, backstage at the Palm Beach Festival, when I was taking a picture of Arly with Djakout musicians Roro, Shabba, and Mamane; RORO telling me "FOTO SA TRES IMPORTANT" without elaborating what he meant by that...but it doesn't take a genius to figure out why he said that.
NO "BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP" currently exists with KLASS; even though PUBLICLY, both groups will play it off as if there is nothing wrong between them. COLD WAR "SE Rans".
No one knows FOR SURE where ARLY stands in regards to DOING BUSINESS WITH DISIP. Was that Montreal comment on stage a joke, or was it the beginning of a future business relationship between both bands? Time will tell.
NU LOOK/ZENGLEN remains a "regular" party FOR NOW, and NOT the major party that IT COULD BE....only because of the hit that the group ZENGLEN has taken after the release of their latest CD....NOT BECAUSE OF THE CD (Kick ass CD)...but because of some "situations" surrounding the band. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT ZENGLEN here when we say the "issues".
The GAME OF CHESS continues, and something can change and flip the script AT ANY GIVEN TIME...depending on what takes place. If you are a follower of the industry/business known as the HMI....always keep in mind to always expect the unexpected.
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