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ENPEKAB on why the band did NOT play last night in Miami!

ENPEKAB on why the band did NOT play last night in Miami!

Postby kompamagazine » Sun May 15, 2016 10:31 pm


Here is the message from ENPEKAB marketing manager CHRISTINE that we received.

CHRISTINE ENPEKAB: "ENPEKAB would like to thank everyone who came out to support us last night at Hollywood Live. Due to circumstances beyond our control ENPEKAB was unable to perform. Neither of the two booked bands performed as there was no sound at the venue. We are currently working on bringing the band back to Miami in June. We will release the details once they are finalized."

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Re: ENPEKAB on why the band did NOT play last night in Miami!

Postby 1Lov' » Mon May 16, 2016 7:32 am

Wait a minute,
A Band that's based in NYC traveled to Miami for a gig and No Sound System in place? :( :(
Gade management Jere Biznis nou tande..
ENPEKAB pa sipoze paret ENKAPAB non...Ranje chita'n tande.. :( :(
Cesaire-Conde-Ceide Guitar Asylum, NYC District
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Re: ENPEKAB on why the band did NOT play last night in Miami!

Postby konpaconvert » Mon May 16, 2016 9:13 am

A Band that's based in NYC traveled to Miami for a gig and No Sound System in place? :( :(
Gade management Jere Biznis nou tande..
ENPEKAB pa sipoze paret ENKAPAB non...Ranje chita'n tande.. :( :(
These bands love to use that "Circumstances beyond our control" excuse for everything. When in reality most of them can be controlled if the manager was actually doing their job. The only time this excuse should be used is if its weather related, venue is not safe or non-operational, and or sudden emergency (family or self) with members of the band. Tout res pwoblem like sound, money/payment, no instruments, travel se bagay ki sipoize regle in advance and contingencies in place if there are issues. Jere biznis nou pi bien mesye!
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Re: ENPEKAB on why the band did NOT play last night in Miami!

Postby 1Lov' » Mon May 16, 2016 11:15 am

A Band that's based in NYC traveled to Miami for a gig and No Sound System in place? :( :(
Gade management Jere Biznis nou tande..
ENPEKAB pa sipoze paret ENKAPAB non...Ranje chita'n tande.. :( :(
These bands love to use that "Circumstances beyond our control" excuse for everything. When in reality most of them can be controlled if the manager was actually doing their job. The only time this excuse should be used is if its weather related, venue is not safe or non-operational, and or sudden emergency (family or self) with members of the band. Tout res pwoblem like sound, money/payment, no instruments, travel se bagay ki sipoize regle in advance and contingencies in place if there are issues. Jere biznis nou pi bien mesye!
Donk oumem avem genle bwe mem kafe matin an..Zero Tolerance Coffee from KM's Cafe' :D :D
Cesaire-Conde-Ceide Guitar Asylum, NYC District
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Re: ENPEKAB on why the band did NOT play last night in Miami!

Postby belMelody » Tue May 17, 2016 8:09 am

My question is , does Empekab has its representative in Florida,? He or she should have been in contact with the promoter or whoever. It really sucks for a band to travel to Florida to perform and No PA Sytemnor Speakers were installed.

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